sources of solid particles in compressed air
    Release time:2020-03-10 Browse volume:2015

    压缩空气中固体颗粒的来源也有两个方面: ——周围空气 我们周围的空气中含有大量的悬浮颗粒物。根据GB3095-1996《环境空气质量标准》规定工业区内环境空气中总悬浮颗粒物(≤100μm)的年平均浓度不超过0.5mg/m3(标准状态)。按照业内通行的说法,这些悬浮颗粒物中有80%左右其当量直径小于2μm。一般来说,空压机的进气滤清器的过滤器精度也在2μm(2μm的过滤精度对保护其运动部件已经足够,而且过滤精度太高可能会产生压降而导致负压),因此估计有0.4mg/m3的悬浮颗粒物进入了压缩空气系统。 ——系统内部 在多数场合,压缩空气系统内产生的固体颗粒才是致命的。我国多数空压站采用普通碳钢管作为压缩空气的运输管。这些管道阀门可能产生:铁锈/锈泥、积碳、焊渣等比空气中的悬浮颗粒物大得多的杂质。在一些要求高的场合如医药、电子等工厂空压站的压缩空气系统采用了不锈钢材料或紫铜材料,此时压缩空气中的固体常来自大气和干燥系统(如吸附式干燥机的吸附剂粉尘等)。

    There are also two sources of solid particles in compressed air: ambient air, which contains a large amount of suspended particles.  According to GB3095-1996 "Environmental Air Quality Standard", the annual average concentration of total suspended particulate matter (≤100μm) in ambient air in industrial zones shall not exceed 0.5mg/m3 (standard state).  According to the prevailing theory in the industry, about 80% of these suspended particles have equivalent diameters less than 2μ m.  In general, the filter accuracy of the air intake filter of the air compressor is also 2 μ m (the filter accuracy of 2 μ m is sufficient to protect its moving parts, and too high a filter accuracy may generate pressure drop and lead to negative pressure), so it is estimated that 0.4mg/m3 of suspended particles enter the compressed air system.  -In most situations inside the system, solid particles generated in the compressed air system are fatal.  Most air compression stations in China use ordinary carbon steel pipes as transportation pipes for compressed air.  These pipeline valves may produce: rust/rust mud, carbon deposition, welding slag and other impurities much larger than suspended particles in the air.  In some demanding occasions, such as medicine, electronics and other factories, the compressed air system of air compression stations uses stainless steel or red copper materials. At this time, the solids in the compressed air often come from the atmosphere and drying systems (such as adsorbent dust of adsorption dryers, etc.).

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